The Moth Mainstage

Come to the light, and hear a tale

February 14, 2018

7:30 pm // Atwood Concert Hall

The Moth is true stories, told live and without notes. The Moth Mainstage shows are renowned for the great range of human experience they showcase. When The Moth came to Anchorage in 2017, we heard tales about a dog finding its way home from Russia to Nome, a woman finding her way back to herself after losing her husband, and a White House speechwriter who suddenly found himself speechless. The Moth celebrates the raconteur, who breathes fire into true tales of ordinary life, and the storytelling novice, who’s lived through something extraordinary and yearns to share it. We’re teaming again this year with Arctic Entries to feature local voices alongside national favorites. This Valentine’s Day, experience the power of live storytelling with tales that will get your heart pumping.

This show's theme is "State of Affairs: The Moth in Anchorage"
Join The Moth for stories of complicated circumstances, power dynamics, tangled romantic webs, and epic status reports.

Note: The Moth may have adult language and themes. Recommended for ages 18 and older.

Runs approx. 2 hours and 20 minutes, including intermission

Story Time Theatre
Tales around the Campfire

Part documentary, part theatre, totally enlightening

An expectation for heart-pounding, heart-wrenching, and heart-warming stories

Subscribe and save! Tickets start at $32.50, or $26 with a subscription package of 3 or more shows.

The Moth StorySLAM - Thursday, Feb. 15, at Williwaw

Doors open at 6:30 pm, stories stories begin at 7:30. $10 per person.

The theme is "firsts." Prepare a five-minute story about your maiden voyage into uncharted territory. Wax on about your first standing ovation, miserable failure, kiss, child, crisis of conscience, job, pet, toupee, trip overseas, exorcism, internet date, grandchild, fist fight, etc. Grand openings, birth order, wild initiations, or milestones reached.

Get tickets for the StorySLAM

Got a great story?

Share it and you could be on the Atwood stage for The Moth Mainstage live in Anchorage Feb. 14.

Pitch your story to The Moth.