
With a mission to inspire and enhance community through the performing arts, Anchorage Concert Association presents internationally acclaimed artists from the entire spectrum of the performing arts. In addition to bringing world-class performances to Alaska, Anchorage Concert Association connects visiting and local artists with our community through workshops, house concerts, Community Artist Projects, summer concerts and other events.

Recent News

Calling All Storytellers!

Be a Yarnslinger

49 Writers is partnering with the Anchorage Concert Association to host Yarnslingers, a live, spoken word storytelling event. The event will take place in Anchorage on January 29. We’re looking for a few brave writers who are willing to share their stories, essays, or poems by performing them out loud at the event. {more}

EMERGE125 In the Community

Workshops and a post-show Q&A

EMERGE125 is working with our Anchorage community at two events outside of their show on September 28th. {more}

Subscribe to Win Alaska Airlines Tickets

Catch a show and a flight with a 2024/2025 subscription

Subscribing to the 2024/2025 Season just got even better! Enjoy world-class performances here in Anchorage and explore the world with Alaska Airlines. The lucky sweepstakes winner will get to enjoy two round-trip tickets, anywhere Alaska Airlines flies. {more}

2024/2025 Season Announced

Explore a season of amazing live shows


2024/2025 Season - First Shows Announced

Take a look at the first shows in our 2024/2025 season!

Take a look at the first announcement of shows for our 2024/2025 season! {more}

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Media Requests

We welcome and encourage members of the media to share the stories of Anchorage Concert Association and our programs.

Please contact us for high-resolution images, B-roll, interview requests, reviewer tickets and other media needs.

Media Contact

Mitchell Hansen, Communications Director
907-272-1471 |